[Grml] A New Year and a big thank you.
Charles Alan Hewson
2011-12-31 17:28:18 UTC
Hi All,

First, I want to thank the developers, testers and contributors. I have used GRML for years as an on the road work environment. I have customized with grml-live since it was introduced. Think firmware and cross-platform encryption that can not be redistributed. We all use the best tool for the need if it is rescue, recovery, repair, privacy or security. After 40 years in the business I appreciate what these fine people are doing as we all should.

Second, I am resolved to contribute more to this project and the community in 2012. I can test what I use more thoroughly and check the upstream for the feature or bug. The developers use 64 bit boxes. If we expect to use a 32 bit GRML for 2 more years we need to test it. This was not intended to start a rant just to be a reminder.

