[Grml] grml daily builds
Carlos Carlos
2014-08-25 18:43:40 UTC
I found the page that generates daily builds of unstable and stable grml, I notice that iso size can be exactly the same for 3 or 4 consecutive days so I suppose nothing was changed or added to the iso in those days, is this correct?. I might be wrong but I don't think there are devs coding new things or modifying old ones every single day.
I suppose that the app which generates the daily isos do it automatically and it doesn't matter if something new was added or not, modified or not, it simply keeps doing daily isos non stop, correct?.
Thanks in advance for any info.

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Darshaka Pathirana
2014-08-27 13:56:00 UTC
Post by Carlos Carlos
I found the page that generates daily builds of unstable and stable
grml, I notice that iso size can be exactly the same for 3 or 4
consecutive days so I suppose nothing was changed or added to the
iso in those days, is this correct?. I might be wrong but I don't
think there are devs coding new things or modifying old ones every
single day.
It is true that the iso size can be the same on different builds but
you should check the provided md5 or sha1 file to find out if there
has been any changes. E.g. the iso in [1] and [2] have the same size
but different checksums:

[1] http://daily.grml.org/grml64-full_testing/2014-08-19_04-25-09/
[2] http://daily.grml.org/grml64-full_testing/2014-08-20_04-25-13/
Post by Carlos Carlos
I suppose that the app which generates the daily isos do it
automatically and it doesn't matter if something new was added or
not, modified or not, it simply keeps doing daily isos non stop,
Thanks in advance for any info.
The build is controlled by the Jenkins "Continous Integration Lab":

[3] http://jenkins.grml.org/

And yes, there seem to be changes nearly every day. And take into
account that grml (testing and sid) are based on Debian testing resp.
sid and daily changes are very, very likely. ;)

I am not a grml-developer so I don't know the details of the
internals of the build process so take my word with a grain of salt
but I am pretty sure that the ISOs only get build when a source
packages has been modified.. (@grml-team: please correct me if I am

- Darsha
Evgeni Golov
2014-08-27 16:23:50 UTC
Post by Darshaka Pathirana
It is true that the iso size can be the same on different builds but
you should check the provided md5 or sha1 file to find out if there
has been any changes. E.g. the iso in [1] and [2] have the same size
[1] http://daily.grml.org/grml64-full_testing/2014-08-19_04-25-09/
[2] http://daily.grml.org/grml64-full_testing/2014-08-20_04-25-13/
As the daily builds contain the build date in the version string, all
builds will have a different checksum... :)
You'll have to compare the packages used to build the ISOs to be sure
it's the same.

Bruce Schneier can read and understand Perl programs.
Darshaka Pathirana
2014-08-28 14:29:06 UTC
Post by Evgeni Golov
Post by Darshaka Pathirana
It is true that the iso size can be the same on different builds but
you should check the provided md5 or sha1 file to find out if there
has been any changes. E.g. the iso in [1] and [2] have the same size
[1] http://daily.grml.org/grml64-full_testing/2014-08-19_04-25-09/
[2] http://daily.grml.org/grml64-full_testing/2014-08-20_04-25-13/
As the daily builds contain the build date in the version string, all
builds will have a different checksum... :)
Good point... ;)
Carlos Carlos
2014-08-28 15:44:10 UTC
Thanks Darshaka and Evgeni.
I didn't trust too much in md5 sums as I have seen in other daily build distro and unchanged/unmodified iso that the day it was build for the first time, lets say on 09 January, had x md5 then the automatic build system, rebuilt it again the next day, 10 January, and its md5 was different, who knows it could be the simple different number in the date or a glitch during the automatic build process, iso sizes were exactly the same, the iso was a final version so nothing was modified by the devs because they only add or change things between final versions not a day after a final version is released and their md5 were different.
That's why I thought the same thing happens in grml, iso is the same unless you see an increase or decrease in its size, md5 can be different as a matter or different date coded in the build so if you see the same size in 3 consecutive daily builds then you can expect no browser update, no openssl update and the like.
I don't know if the autobuild systems are controled by anything/anyone or if they simply keep rebuilding isos on a daily basis and autonomous way no matter if modifications were made or not, something like: It was programmed to do a rebuild every day at 11:00 or so
Thanks much for your replies.

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