[Grml] new mirror at ftp.icm.edu.pl
Rafal Maszkowski
2015-04-29 11:08:15 UTC
Is it the right place to ask if you are interested in new GRML mirror?
The http://grml.org/download/mirrors/ page redirects to multitude of
contacts on http://grml.org/contact/ , none of which is marked as
prefered for new mirrors.

Anyway - out data are below. Is there any archive you could recomend us
to mirror from? I started with rsync://mirror.nl.leaseweb.net/grml .

FTP: ftp://ftp.icm.edu.pl/pub/Linux/distributions/grml/
HTTP: http://ftp.icm.edu.pl/pub/Linux/distributions/grml/
rsync: rsync://ftp.icm.edu.pl/pub/Linux/distributions/grml/
gopher: gopher://ftp.icm.edu.pl/1/pub/Linux/distributions/grml/

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