[Grml] grml-debootstrap: troubles with debian keyring
Michael Gissing
2011-04-09 15:52:27 UTC
Hi list!

It happened that I had to install debian squeeze with an old (~1 year)
version of grml. When running grml-debootstrap it exited with an error,
saying something like
"E: Release signed by unknown key (key id AE...)"

The solution was to update Debian keyring.

apt-get update
apt-get install debian-archive-keyring

At the first moment I had no clue how to solve the issue. So it would be
nice if grml-debootstrap recognizes this error and gives the user a hint
on how to fix it.

Besides that everything ran fine ;-)

greetz, Michael
Andreas Gredler
2011-04-14 16:11:55 UTC
Post by Michael Gissing
Hi list!
It happened that I had to install debian squeeze with an old (~1 year)
version of grml. When running grml-debootstrap it exited with an error,
saying something like
"E: Release signed by unknown key (key id AE...)"
[ ... ]
Post by Michael Gissing
At the first moment I had no clue how to solve the issue. So it would be
nice if grml-debootstrap recognizes this error and gives the user a hint
on how to fix it.
Thx for your report and sorry for the late reply but I wanted to test
it on one of my older grml installations. It just happens with old
releases and not with the current one. Furthermore the keyring doesn't
get changed too often and it would be complicated to filter rare error
messages. So I think it's not necessary to implement another message
handler and hope it's ok for you to just use the new release ;-)
Post by Michael Gissing
Besides that everything ran fine ;-)
Great :-)

greets Jimmy
Andreas "Jimmy" Gredler
,'"`. http://www.jimmy.co.at/ | jimmy at g-tec.co.at
( grml.org -? Linux Live-CD for texttool-users and sysadmins
`._, http://www.grml.org/ | jimmy at grml.org
Michael Gissing
2011-04-29 10:47:36 UTC
Post by Andreas Gredler
sorry for the late reply
me 2 ;-)
Post by Andreas Gredler
It just happens with old
releases and not with the current one. Furthermore the keyring doesn't
get changed too often and it would be complicated to filter rare error
messages. So I think it's not necessary to implement another message
handler and hope it's ok for you to just use the new release ;-)
I agree.
The hotfix is already done, Google finds this thread :) May I suggest to mention
this rare issue somewhere in the documentation, wiki, manpage...? I would be
willing to write some sentences when you point me the correct place.
Post by Andreas Gredler
greets Jimmy
greetz, Michael
Michael Gissing
2011-04-29 10:47:36 UTC
Post by Andreas Gredler
sorry for the late reply
me 2 ;-)
Post by Andreas Gredler
It just happens with old
releases and not with the current one. Furthermore the keyring doesn't
get changed too often and it would be complicated to filter rare error
messages. So I think it's not necessary to implement another message
handler and hope it's ok for you to just use the new release ;-)
I agree.
The hotfix is already done, Google finds this thread :) May I suggest to mention
this rare issue somewhere in the documentation, wiki, manpage...? I would be
willing to write some sentences when you point me the correct place.
Post by Andreas Gredler
greets Jimmy
greetz, Michael
Michael Gissing
2011-04-29 10:47:36 UTC
Post by Andreas Gredler
sorry for the late reply
me 2 ;-)
Post by Andreas Gredler
It just happens with old
releases and not with the current one. Furthermore the keyring doesn't
get changed too often and it would be complicated to filter rare error
messages. So I think it's not necessary to implement another message
handler and hope it's ok for you to just use the new release ;-)
I agree.
The hotfix is already done, Google finds this thread :) May I suggest to mention
this rare issue somewhere in the documentation, wiki, manpage...? I would be
willing to write some sentences when you point me the correct place.
Post by Andreas Gredler
greets Jimmy
greetz, Michael

Michael Gissing
2011-04-09 15:52:27 UTC
Hi list!

It happened that I had to install debian squeeze with an old (~1 year)
version of grml. When running grml-debootstrap it exited with an error,
saying something like
"E: Release signed by unknown key (key id AE...)"

The solution was to update Debian keyring.

apt-get update
apt-get install debian-archive-keyring

At the first moment I had no clue how to solve the issue. So it would be
nice if grml-debootstrap recognizes this error and gives the user a hint
on how to fix it.

Besides that everything ran fine ;-)

greetz, Michael
Andreas Gredler
2011-04-14 16:11:55 UTC
Post by Michael Gissing
Hi list!
It happened that I had to install debian squeeze with an old (~1 year)
version of grml. When running grml-debootstrap it exited with an error,
saying something like
"E: Release signed by unknown key (key id AE...)"
[ ... ]
Post by Michael Gissing
At the first moment I had no clue how to solve the issue. So it would be
nice if grml-debootstrap recognizes this error and gives the user a hint
on how to fix it.
Thx for your report and sorry for the late reply but I wanted to test
it on one of my older grml installations. It just happens with old
releases and not with the current one. Furthermore the keyring doesn't
get changed too often and it would be complicated to filter rare error
messages. So I think it's not necessary to implement another message
handler and hope it's ok for you to just use the new release ;-)
Post by Michael Gissing
Besides that everything ran fine ;-)
Great :-)

greets Jimmy
Andreas "Jimmy" Gredler
,'"`. http://www.jimmy.co.at/ | jimmy at g-tec.co.at
( grml.org -? Linux Live-CD for texttool-users and sysadmins
`._, http://www.grml.org/ | jimmy at grml.org
Michael Gissing
2011-04-09 15:52:27 UTC
Hi list!

It happened that I had to install debian squeeze with an old (~1 year)
version of grml. When running grml-debootstrap it exited with an error,
saying something like
"E: Release signed by unknown key (key id AE...)"

The solution was to update Debian keyring.

apt-get update
apt-get install debian-archive-keyring

At the first moment I had no clue how to solve the issue. So it would be
nice if grml-debootstrap recognizes this error and gives the user a hint
on how to fix it.

Besides that everything ran fine ;-)

greetz, Michael
Andreas Gredler
2011-04-14 16:11:55 UTC
Post by Michael Gissing
Hi list!
It happened that I had to install debian squeeze with an old (~1 year)
version of grml. When running grml-debootstrap it exited with an error,
saying something like
"E: Release signed by unknown key (key id AE...)"
[ ... ]
Post by Michael Gissing
At the first moment I had no clue how to solve the issue. So it would be
nice if grml-debootstrap recognizes this error and gives the user a hint
on how to fix it.
Thx for your report and sorry for the late reply but I wanted to test
it on one of my older grml installations. It just happens with old
releases and not with the current one. Furthermore the keyring doesn't
get changed too often and it would be complicated to filter rare error
messages. So I think it's not necessary to implement another message
handler and hope it's ok for you to just use the new release ;-)
Post by Michael Gissing
Besides that everything ran fine ;-)
Great :-)

greets Jimmy
Andreas "Jimmy" Gredler
,'"`. http://www.jimmy.co.at/ | jimmy at g-tec.co.at
( grml.org -? Linux Live-CD for texttool-users and sysadmins
`._, http://www.grml.org/ | jimmy at grml.org