[Grml] serial console with grml_2011.12-rc1
John Heim
2011-12-14 20:46:50 UTC
I can't get a serial console with grml_2011.12-rc1. I think (can't be sure
because I'm blind) I am typing this:

grml serial console=ttyS0,19200n8

If I boot my machine into linux off the hard drive, I get my serial console.
So I know there is nothing wrong with my null modem cable or my terminal
emulator. But with grml, I do not get a prompt of any type. From the
terminal side, it looks like there's no getty on the other side.
Ulrich Dangel
2011-12-14 21:01:23 UTC
Post by John Heim
I can't get a serial console with grml_2011.12-rc1. I think (can't
grml serial console=ttyS0,19200n8
You are right, this is a regression/bug. I can reproduce it. It seems
the problem is upstream with util-linux/getty. See
http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=651030 for another

Thanks for reporting.

twitter: @mr_ud | identica: @mru
IRCNet: mru | freenode: mrud
Ulrich Dangel
2011-12-15 11:52:59 UTC
Post by John Heim
grml serial console=ttyS0,19200n8
I used a wrong version. Mika testet it manually and it seems to work
with the rc1.

twitter: @mr_ud | identica: @mru
IRCNet: mru | freenode: mrud
John Heim
2011-12-15 15:17:46 UTC
From: "Ulrich Dangel" <mru at grml.org>
To: <grml at ml.grml.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 5:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Grml] serial console with grml_2011.12-rc1
Post by Ulrich Dangel
Post by John Heim
grml serial console=ttyS0,19200n8
I used a wrong version. Mika testet it manually and it seems to work
with the rc1.
Confirmed. So I have access to boot messages in an emergency. Like if the
network card wasn't working or something.

So I've checked the following and they all work:

1. Speakup after boot
2. Braille after boot
3. Ssh
4. Serial console

Like I said, I can't speak for all blind people but I am pretty happy.
The beep at the isolinux boot prompt would be nice. I am not sure why sound
is not working but I think its muted. I haven't been able to get sound on
any of the machines I've tried this release on and that's 4 different
Lupe Christoph
2011-12-16 08:06:55 UTC
Post by John Heim
I am not sure
why sound is not working but I think its muted. I haven't been able
to get sound on any of the machines I've tried this release on and
that's 4 different machines.
I just downloaded grml_2011.12-rc1 and booted it on my game PC.

Using alsamixer, I found that all channels Except "Master" were at 0 dB
and muted. When I unmuted the stereo channels ("Front") in alsamixer
and turned up the volume, I was able to hear a WAV file.

Now, alsamixer is written using the kind of ASCII graphics that will
get any Braille device to quit the job, but maybe you know a program
that will allow a blind person to change the settings.

BTW, unless you like hearing your dog bark (or not...), there are a few
WAV files included with GRML. You find them in /usr/share/sounds/alsa .

Lupe Christoph
| It is a well-known fact in any organisation that, if you want a job |
| done, you should give it to someone who is already very busy. |
| Terry Pratchett, "Unseen Academicals" |
Thomas Köhler
2011-12-16 09:13:16 UTC
Hello all,
Post by Lupe Christoph
I just downloaded grml_2011.12-rc1 and booted it on my game PC.
Using alsamixer, I found that all channels Except "Master" were at 0 dB
and muted. When I unmuted the stereo channels ("Front") in alsamixer
and turned up the volume, I was able to hear a WAV file.
Now, alsamixer is written using the kind of ASCII graphics that will
get any Braille device to quit the job, but maybe you know a program
that will allow a blind person to change the settings.
amixer is your friend.
Without any commandline arguments, it will dump current settings
and limits, and you can call it with arguments to set or get the
volume for one single control:

~> amixer sget Master
Simple mixer control 'Master',0
Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined pswitch pswitch-joined penum
Playback channels: Mono
Limits: Playback 0 - 31
Mono: Playback 31 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
~> amixer sset Master 22
Simple mixer control 'Master',0
Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined pswitch pswitch-joined penum
Playback channels: Mono
Limits: Playback 0 - 31
Mono: Playback 22 [71%] [-13.50dB] [on]

So in this example, I set Master down from 100% to 71%.

Thomas K?hler Email: jean-luc at picard.franken.de
<>< WWW: http://gott-gehabt.de
IRC: tkoehler Freenode: thkoehler
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Ulrich Dangel
2011-12-16 11:05:25 UTC
* Lupe Christoph wrote [16.12.11 09:06]:
Post by Lupe Christoph
I just downloaded grml_2011.12-rc1 and booted it on my game PC.
Using alsamixer, I found that all channels Except "Master" were at 0 dB
and muted. When I unmuted the stereo channels ("Front") in alsamixer
and turned up the volume, I was able to hear a WAV file.
Just for the record i just pushed two changes to git which should
improve the situation. First one explicitly unmutes the channel and the
second one will set the volume also on the Front mixer control. Maybe we
have to rethink it and just unmute and set all channels instead of only
setting Master, PCM, Front.

twitter: @mr_ud | identica: @mru
IRCNet: mru | freenode: mrud
Philippe Delavalade
2011-12-16 13:42:05 UTC
Post by Lupe Christoph
Post by John Heim
I am not sure
why sound is not working but I think its muted. I haven't been able
to get sound on any of the machines I've tried this release on and
that's 4 different machines.
I just downloaded grml_2011.12-rc1 and booted it on my game PC.
Using alsamixer, I found that all channels Except "Master" were at 0 dB
and muted. When I unmuted the stereo channels ("Front") in alsamixer
and turned up the volume, I was able to hear a WAV file.
Now, alsamixer is written using the kind of ASCII graphics that will
get any Braille device to quit the job, but maybe you know a program
that will allow a blind person to change the settings.
Alsamixer is accessible with a braille device.
Ph. Delavalade