[Grml] Grml - new stable release 2013.09 available
Michael Prokop
2013-09-29 17:16:13 UTC

we just released Grml 2013.09 - Hefeknuddler.

This Grml release provides fresh software packages after the Debian
stable release (AKA wheezy) has been released. As usual it also
incorporates up2date hardware support and fixes known bugs from the
previous Grml release.

More information is available in the release notes of Grml 2013.09:


Grab the latest Grml ISO(s) and spread the word!


Thanks everyone and happy grml-ing,
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Florian Ermisch
2013-09-30 13:37:25 UTC
Hi *,

well, too bad I only got my hands on an older MacBook Pro today (to fix
some booting troubles), because I can't boot grml on this thing.
USB-sticks with grml96 don't show up and grml64 on both USB-stick and
CD (the MBP is old enough to still have an optical drive) stop at
"Searching for disk".
A USB-stick with Ubuntu 12.04.3 amd64 on the other hand boots fine
(after not showing the boot menu and some messed up logo at boot).

Regards, FLorian
Post by Michael Prokop
we just released Grml 2013.09 - Hefeknuddler.
This Grml release provides fresh software packages after the Debian
stable release (AKA wheezy) has been released. As usual it also
incorporates up2date hardware support and fixes known bugs from the
previous Grml release.
Grab the latest Grml ISO(s) and spread the word!
Thanks everyone and happy grml-ing,
Grml-announce mailing list
Grml-announce at ml.grml.org
Michael Prokop
2013-10-07 15:45:43 UTC
Post by Florian Ermisch
well, too bad I only got my hands on an older MacBook Pro today (to fix
some booting troubles), because I can't boot grml on this thing.
USB-sticks with grml96 don't show up and grml64 on both USB-stick and
CD (the MBP is old enough to still have an optical drive) stop at
"Searching for disk".
A USB-stick with Ubuntu 12.04.3 amd64 on the other hand boots fine
(after not showing the boot menu and some messed up logo at boot).
How did you create the USB stick?

The EFI setup is supposed to work fine:


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Florian Ermisch
2013-10-08 08:11:15 UTC
Hi Mika,

thx for the link. For the previous attempts I just dd'ed the ISO onto
the USB-stick. Now I used GNU parted to create the GPT and the FAT32
partition so I don't need a Mac to create a grml-stick to boot a Mac:

(parted) mklabel gpt
(parted) mkpartfs primary fat32 32k 1024MB
WARNING: you are attempting to use parted to operate on (mkpartfs) a
file system.
Ignore/Cancel? i
(parted) toggle 1
(parted) print
Model: SanDisk Cruzer Micro (scsi)
Disk /dev/sdc: 1025MB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt

Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 31,7kB 1025MB 1025MB fat32 primary boot

(parted) quit


Works fine with grml64-2013-09 and the "No Kernel-Mode-Setting" boot
option (nVidia graphics). Too bad I need a special thumbdrive for Macs
but at least now I know about this ;)

Regards, FLorian
Post by Michael Prokop
Post by Florian Ermisch
well, too bad I only got my hands on an older MacBook Pro today (to fix
some booting troubles), because I can't boot grml on this thing.
USB-sticks with grml96 don't show up and grml64 on both USB-stick and
CD (the MBP is old enough to still have an optical drive) stop at
"Searching for disk".
A USB-stick with Ubuntu 12.04.3 amd64 on the other hand boots fine
(after not showing the boot menu and some messed up logo at boot).
How did you create the USB stick?
Grml mailing list - Grml at ml.grml.org
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grml-devel-blog: http://blog.grml.org/
gilberto dos santos alves
2013-09-30 14:10:01 UTC
yes. its works with keyboard layout for brazil (abnt2 or abnt).
after boot press key (TAB) and insert this 2 keywords for boot:
xkeyboard=br lang=br.

IMHO could some one write a brief of signs of release name
Grml 2013.09 - Hefeknuddler

All of we understand debian names because debian wiki about toy story!
Where we found this for grml? Main reason is for all of us that use
romani language ancestor, latin. thanks!
Post by Michael Prokop
we just released Grml 2013.09 - Hefeknuddler.
This Grml release provides fresh software packages after the Debian
stable release (AKA wheezy) has been released. As usual it also
incorporates up2date hardware support and fixes known bugs from the
previous Grml release.
Grab the latest Grml ISO(s) and spread the word!
Thanks everyone and happy grml-ing,
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Grml mailing list - Grml at ml.grml.org
join #grml on irc.freenode.org
grml-devel-blog: http://blog.grml.org/
gilberto dos santos alves
sao paulo - sp - brasil
Lupe Christoph
2013-09-30 14:37:39 UTC
Post by gilberto dos santos alves
IMHO could some one write a brief of signs of release name
Grml 2013.09 - Hefeknuddler
I don't understand "a brief of signs". But if you want to know what the
word "Hefeknuddler" means - literally it's yeast cuddler. Meaning a
hobby brewer.
Post by gilberto dos santos alves
All of we understand debian names because debian wiki about toy story!
Where we found this for grml? Main reason is for all of us that use
romani language ancestor, latin. thanks!
Those guys use Austrian expressions that are quite out of the
mainstream, making it even hard for us Reichsdeutsche (Germans from the
former German Reich, i.e. the Federal Republic of Germany ;-) to
decypher. But it's fun to find out. I agree that people without any
knowledge of German are quite left out.

Lupe Christoph
| It is a well-known fact in any organisation that, if you want a job |
| done, you should give it to someone who is already very busy. |
| Terry Pratchett, "Unseen Academicals" |
Michael Prokop
2013-10-07 15:47:13 UTC
Post by gilberto dos santos alves
yes. its works with keyboard layout for brazil (abnt2 or abnt).
xkeyboard=br lang=br.
ok good :)
Post by gilberto dos santos alves
IMHO could some one write a brief of signs of release name
Grml 2013.09 - Hefeknuddler
All of we understand debian names because debian wiki about toy story!
Where we found this for grml? Main reason is for all of us that use
romani language ancestor, latin. thanks!
As already stated by Lupe Christoph we usually just come up with
fantasy names, the "Hefeknuddler" is someone who likes to cuddle
with Beer. :)

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