[Grml] How are blind grml users handling current web technologies?
Doug Smith
2011-11-02 02:35:49 UTC
, everyone on the list. I am writing this to see how blind grml users
are handling current web technologies such as flash and javascript.

I am wishing to change back to GRML which I haven't been able to use
in years. The main reason is that the gui world is going to change
and there have been problems with accessibility. This doesn't, of
course happen with good old command line, of course, and I just wonder
if some of the blind people using grml now can tell me about their
work-aroundds for such problems as flash and javascript.

Is it possible to have mplayer be the viewer for all these streaming
file formats and get it to work with w3m or edbrowse or whatever:
Please let me know if there is something you are doing to handle
current web technologies in command line mode and i will be glad to
hear from you.


Doug Smith

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