[Grml] No dump/restore in the default images?
Heiko Schlittermann
2013-03-08 14:12:08 UTC

hopefully it's not a FAQ, but at least using a major search engine
didn't give me a useful pointer ?

From the default GRML image (2013-02) I'm missing the dump package. This
package contains dump(8) and restore(8) for ext{2,3,4} file systems.
Probaby using dump(8) is not really necessary, but using restore(8) is
my only option sometimes.

Having amanda would be great too ?

Is there anything I can do to get these packages into GRML?

Best regards from Dresden/Germany
Viele Gr??e aus Dresden
Heiko Schlittermann
SCHLITTERMANN.de ---------------------------- internet & unix support -
Heiko Schlittermann, Dipl.-Ing. (TU) - {fon,fax}: +49.351.802998{1,3} -
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