[Grml] Grml - new stable release 2012.05 available
Michael Prokop
2012-05-29 10:01:07 UTC

we just released Grml 2012.05 - Ponyhof.

Thanks for all the feedback we received for our 2011.12 release, we
took it serious and hope that everyone finds 2012.05 such a
wonderful release as we consider it to be.

There were some changes between 2012.05-rc1 and the new stable
release. The most important ones are:

? Update to Kernel 3.3.7
? Added sysstat (and imvirt-helper was pulled in as dependency)
? Fixed Grub2, iPXE and MirOS bsd4grml boot options for 64bit ISO
? Added wallpaper
? Fixed lang boot option for grml-small flavour

As you might notice the grml-small flavour came back. So it's two
flavours (grml-full + grml-small) and two architectures (x86 +
amd64) now. The grml96 option - which provides the x86 and the amd64
version on one single ISO (grml96 = grml32 + grml64) - is available
for your service as well.

We want to thank all the people involved in this awesome release.
The Grml Developers, our Contributors and all the other people
involved in this release.

More information is available in the release notes of Grml 2012.05:


Now download the latest Grml ISO and spread the word!


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Michael Whapples
2012-05-30 15:36:02 UTC
Great news. Just a quick question, with the introduction of the small
flavour again, where can I find out what is on the small or full ISOs?
In particular I am interested whether the accessibility packages are in
the small or just full? Also related to that is sound card support in
the small flavour?

I guess speakup is as the modules are now part of the main kernel
package, however I am unsure of brltty and espeakup being included.

Michael Whapples
Post by Michael Prokop
we just released Grml 2012.05 - Ponyhof.
Thanks for all the feedback we received for our 2011.12 release, we
took it serious and hope that everyone finds 2012.05 such a
wonderful release as we consider it to be.
There were some changes between 2012.05-rc1 and the new stable
? Update to Kernel 3.3.7
? Added sysstat (and imvirt-helper was pulled in as dependency)
? Fixed Grub2, iPXE and MirOS bsd4grml boot options for 64bit ISO
? Added wallpaper
? Fixed lang boot option for grml-small flavour
As you might notice the grml-small flavour came back. So it's two
flavours (grml-full + grml-small) and two architectures (x86 +
amd64) now. The grml96 option - which provides the x86 and the amd64
version on one single ISO (grml96 = grml32 + grml64) - is available
for your service as well.
We want to thank all the people involved in this awesome release.
The Grml Developers, our Contributors and all the other people
involved in this release.
Now download the latest Grml ISO and spread the word!
Michael Prokop
2012-05-30 15:46:44 UTC
Post by Michael Whapples
Great news. Just a quick question, with the introduction of the small
flavour again, where can I find out what is on the small or full
ISOs? In particular I am interested whether the accessibility
packages are in the small or just full? Also related to that is sound
card support in the small flavour?
http://grml.org/files/ provides all the details (section "Package
lists for the current release").

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