[Grml] Own Rescue-CD based on grml
Werner P. Schulz
2014-11-12 23:06:09 UTC
Last weeks I worked again on remaster grml

Perhaps it may be useful for some of us.

Greetings Werner

Grml mailing list - ***@ml.grml.org
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grml-devel-blog: http://blog.grml.org/
John G Heim
2014-11-13 14:19:27 UTC
This is interesting to me because I would like to remaster grml to make
it even more blind friendly than it already is. When you remaster grml,
do you have to start from scratch each time? What is the basic procedure
you follow?

I'd like to remaster grml to do the following:

1. Include a kernnel patched to fix a bug in the screen reader for
hardware speech synthesizers that use the serial port.
2. Include udev rules that recognize a hardware synth and automatically
start the screen reader.
3. Make it easier to start software speech.

Grml developers can't do #1. Well, they could but that would be going
above and beyond the call of duty. And #2 depends on #1.
Post by Werner P. Schulz
Last weeks I worked again on remaster grml
Perhaps it may be useful for some of us.
Greetings Werner
join #grml on irc.freenode.org
grml-devel-blog: http://blog.grml.org/
Grml mailing list - ***@ml.grml.org
join #grml on irc.freenode.org
grml-devel-blog: http://blog.grml.org/
Werner P. Schulz
2014-11-14 22:13:09 UTC
When you remaster grml, do you have to start from scratch each time?
What is the basic procedure you follow?
Hello John!

is an overview of the interesting files and folders

The basics of remaster is
1. use the ISO and do a HD installation of grml32
2. decompressed grml32-full.squashfs and write it =>
3. synchronize your changes within your HD installation with
4. build new ISO of the content of '/opt/grml/remaster'

You can repeat step 3 an d 4

There is also the possibility "Do remaster from the beginning". But I
see there is an error. We have to use a origin "grml32-full.squashfs"
(and "initrd.img") from the CD for this.

Greetings Werner
Grml mailing list - ***@ml.grml.org
join #grml on irc.freenode.org
grml-devel-blog: http://blog.grml.org/
Werner P. Schulz
2014-11-19 23:54:22 UTC
I've adapted remaster grml to the new
grml version 2014.11

Greetings Werner
Grml mailing list - ***@ml.grml.org
join #grml on irc.freenode.org
grml-devel-blog: http://blog.grml.org/
