[Grml] Grml 2011.12 - Knecht Rootrecht released
Ulrich Dangel
2011-12-23 16:37:13 UTC
Just in time for the holidays we released today, Dec. 23th, Grml 2011.12
- Knecht Rootrecht. The codename is a play on the term 'Knecht Ruprecht'
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knecht_ruprecht#Knecht_Ruprecht -

For the changes between 2011.12-rc1 and the final release please have a
look at out blog -

For detailed information about the changes between 2011.05 and
2011.12 have a look at the official release announcement:

This release brings a downsizing and cleanup: one flavour, two
architectures three options. The new, smaller flavour has a 350MB ISO size target,
while still delivering over 1.1GB of open source software relevant for
system administrators

As a special treat we created grml96, an ISO image
containg both grml32 and grml64. This ISO image will also boot on UEFI
systems and lets you fix basically all PCs :)

Download Grml 2011.12 directly from http://bit.ly/rKYb4K !

Please get in touch with us and share your opinion about Grml and spread
the word.

Thanks for testing the RC1, happy holidays and enjoy the new Grml

2011-12-24 00:56:31 UTC
And thank you for all your hard work on this most excellent project.
Post by Ulrich Dangel
Just in time for the holidays we released today, Dec. 23th, Grml 2011.12
- Knecht Rootrecht. The codename is a play on the term 'Knecht Ruprecht'
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knecht_ruprecht#Knecht_Ruprecht -
For the changes between 2011.12-rc1 and the final release please have a
look at out blog -
For detailed information about the changes between 2011.05 and
This release brings a downsizing and cleanup: one flavour, two
architectures three options. The new, smaller flavour has a 350MB ISO size target,
while still delivering over 1.1GB of open source software relevant for
system administrators
As a special treat we created grml96, an ISO image
containg both grml32 and grml64. This ISO image will also boot on UEFI
systems and lets you fix basically all PCs :)
Download Grml 2011.12 directly from http://bit.ly/rKYb4K ?!
Please get in touch with us and share your opinion about Grml and spread
the word.
Thanks for testing the RC1, happy holidays and enjoy the new Grml
Grml mailing list - Grml at ml.grml.org
join #grml on irc.freenode.org
grml-devel-blog: http://blog.grml.org/