[Grml] How are blind grml users handling currentweb technologies?
Christian Hofstaedtler
2011-11-02 18:22:13 UTC
From: "Christian Hofstaedtler" <ch at grml.org>
To: <grml at ml.grml.org>
speakup kernel modules and espeakup have already been removed in
the daily builds; they will not make
it into the next release.
Okay, now I'm unclear as to why this is. The original post said the
grml developers don't want to do anything half baked. But including
speakup & espeak isn't doing it half baked. That's just mainstream.
You don't need to do anything fancy anymore to provide
Can you (or someone else interested in this) draft a list of things
we would need to do/ship to actually have working accesibility support
(for you)?
This includes everything that might be there right now. I myself
have never seen such a setup, so please be explicit.

We'd also need someone testing this stuff regularly, especially
before a release goes out. If we were to (accidentally) break
accessibility, I assume it's not really useful to actually have the
software on the ISO at all; so not having QA here is not really an

If somebody steps up to do the work and/or the list, we might

Grml Live Linux
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Michael Prokop
2011-11-02 14:14:56 UTC
, everyone on the list. I am writing this to see how blind grml users
are handling current web technologies such as flash and javascript.

A good moment to jump in for me, on behalf of the Grml team: I want
to mention that the upcoming releases of Grml will no longer provide
the accessibility features we used to ship so far.

Please let me explain:

The reason for dropping accessibility support within Grml is that we
can't keep it up any longer. None of us Grml developers use any of
those features on our own nor do we have people using it in our

When problems with kernel modules, user space software and/or their
integration within Grml show up we have to work in this area. But
we're lacking manpower in the Grml team and the present manpower
is needed in other areas to keep the project up and running.

Troughout the last ~8 years - since the beginnings of Grml - the
feedback and help in this area was pretty limited overall, both by
developers as well as users. The feedback when asking for testing of
accessibility features in release candidates was close to zero.

In the meanwhile Debian itself became better and better with regards
to accessibility, thanks to great efforts by people like Samuel
Thibault and Mario Lang. AFAIK the debian-installer provides espeak
support nowadays, orca seems to be well established, etc.

Since we don't want to get known for half baken solutions we'll be
dropping the accessibility features from Grml starting with the
upcoming stable release.

If you are interested in accessibility support within Debian and its
derivatives we encourage you to check out the Debian-Accessibility
project (see http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-accessibility/ for
further details) and join their efforts.

-mika- - on behalf of the Grml project
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Christian Hofstaedtler
2011-11-02 17:33:47 UTC
From: "Christian Hofstaedtler" <ch at grml.org>
To: <grml at ml.grml.org>
speakup kernel modules and espeakup have already been removed in
the daily builds; they will not make
it into the next release.
Okay, now I'm unclear as to why this is. The original post said the
grml developers don't want to do anything half baked. But including
speakup & espeak isn't doing it half baked. That's just mainstream.
You don't need to do anything fancy anymore to provide
The speakup kernel modules are indeed not mainstream; we have to
build them separately from the main kernel. We're currently looking
to remove all external modules, if possible.
So I stand corrected on these, since our 2011.05 release the modules
are actually included in vanilla. (Thanks to U.D. for pointing this

Grml Live Linux

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John G. Heim
2011-11-02 16:24:02 UTC
From: "Christian Hofstaedtler" <ch at grml.org>
To: <grml at ml.grml.org>
speakup kernel modules and espeakup have already been removed in the daily
builds; they will not make
it into the next release.
Okay, now I'm unclear as to why this is. The original post said the grml
developers don't want to do anything half baked. But including speakup &
espeak isn't doing it half baked. That's just mainstream. You don't need to
do anything fancy anymore to provide accessibility.

I mean, I can see dropping that script you used to supply that started
software speech. I could never remember what to type so I always just
started speech myself at the command line. Maybe the grml developers are
under the impression that blind people don't use grml. I don't think that's
true. In fact, there seems to be several of us blind people on this list.
For every one of us, there are probably dozens or hundreds of others.

I think the grml developers should think hard about this decision. Dropping
speakup isn't like dropping other features. If grml can't recognize
someoby's old ethernet card, they're not going to lose their job. But if I
can't use grml to rescue a server, I might lose my job.

Grml mailing list - Grml at ml.grml.org
join #grml on irc.freenode.org
Christian Hofstaedtler
2011-11-02 17:23:00 UTC
From: "Christian Hofstaedtler" <ch at grml.org>
To: <grml at ml.grml.org>
speakup kernel modules and espeakup have already been removed in
the daily builds; they will not make
it into the next release.
Okay, now I'm unclear as to why this is. The original post said the
grml developers don't want to do anything half baked. But including
speakup & espeak isn't doing it half baked. That's just mainstream.
You don't need to do anything fancy anymore to provide
The speakup kernel modules are indeed not mainstream; we have to
build them separately from the main kernel. We're currently looking
to remove all external modules, if possible.
I mean, I can see dropping that script you used to supply that
started software speech. I could never remember what to type so I
always just started speech myself at the command line.
It also needs space on the ISOs. Every release the ISOs grow larger
and we have to drop stuff. Besides that we also have to do testing
and/or deal with bug reports, etc. If there's a problem in unstable
with this software, we'd also have to deal with that (uninstallable
or something).
Maybe the
grml developers are under the impression that blind people don't use
grml. I don't think that's true. In fact, there seems to be several
of us blind people on this list. For every one of us, there are
probably dozens or hundreds of others.
We don't think nobody uses this. On the other hand we clearly see
that none of the developers has personal use for accessibility, and
we do not receive contributions (development and QA) from this user

Grml Live Linux
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John G. Heim
2011-11-03 15:10:29 UTC
From: "Christian Hofstaedtler" <ch at grml.org>
To: <grml at ml.grml.org>
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
We don't think nobody uses this. On the other hand we clearly see
that none of the developers has personal use for accessibility, and
we do not receive contributions (development and QA) from this user
I agree with what M.W. said that its been working so well there has been no
reason to comment on it. I've been on this list for years and other than to
ask some questions about re-mastering, I haven't commented at all.

But I'm guessing that the fact that the speakup code is now in the vanilla
kernel source changes things, right? You don't have to pull it from git any
more. All you have to do is check the boxes for the speakup modules when
compiling your kernel. It'll take up some space but given the importance of
these modules to some people, I'd think you'd want to do that.

Christian, are you in a position to make a policy decision on this issue? I
think you should consider including brltty, espeak, and espeakup on the disk
for reasons I talked about at length in another message. But my opinion is
that including the speakup modules should be a sure thing. I'd be very
disappointed if you decide against that at least.
John G. Heim
2011-11-02 15:52:52 UTC
From: "Michael Prokop" <mika at grml.org>
Post by Michael Prokop
Since we don't want to get known for half baken solutions we'll be
dropping the accessibility features from Grml starting with the
upcoming stable release.
I'm unclear as to what that means. I use grml all the time as a rescue disk
but I always start the speech synth myself. Sometimes I use my hardware
speech synthesizer and sometimes I use software speech. The speakup kernel
modules and espeak have to be on the CD for that to work. You're not
thinking of leaving that stuff off the CD, are you?

Grml mailing list - Grml at ml.grml.org
join #grml on irc.freenode.org
Christian Hofstaedtler
2011-11-02 16:02:30 UTC
Post by John G. Heim
From: "Michael Prokop" <mika at grml.org>
Post by Michael Prokop
Since we don't want to get known for half baken solutions we'll be
dropping the accessibility features from Grml starting with the
upcoming stable release.
I'm unclear as to what that means. I use grml all the time as a
rescue disk but I always start the speech synth myself. Sometimes I
use my hardware speech synthesizer and sometimes I use software
speech. The speakup kernel modules and espeak have to be on the CD
for that to work. You're not thinking of leaving that stuff off the
CD, are you?
speakup kernel modules and espeakup have already been removed in the
daily builds; they will not make it into the next release.


Grml Live Linux
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Michael Whapples
2011-11-02 21:31:01 UTC
This is sad news. Generally I have found things with accessibility in
GRML just working and have had little to really report. Normally any
issues have been upsteam issues (eg. this speakup one I think is an
upstream one). Also may be GRML has a strange place with me, I don't use
it that frequently as I mainly use it for system rescue, may be my
current installation of ArchLinux is just too stable...

Now addressing some specific points raised in this thread.

* Including non-standard things. What is the situation of speakup as I
understand it speakup is now part of the standard kernel sources. Will
speakup still be included even if other things go?
* Work needed to include it. OK, I think I agree that the scripts, while
nice may be not really needed and I could live without them. May be if
removing them may be just some sort of beep or sound when the system
finishes booting may help us. Also certainly in the case of BRLTTY, I
don't think I've ever had an issue where it doesn't work fine, it always
seems to work on about whatever distribution I try. Aren't the brltty
package in GRML just the standard debian ones, so the only work is to
include that package.
* The space issue. This is possibly the hardest, its hard always to
decide what should go. May those of us who use accessibility could
decide what really is not needed and so help free some space. As an
example, when using speakup I probably would only use espeakup,
therefore speech-dispatcher need not be on the CD. Probably if pushed to
it, brltty may be could go, however I really would need to be pushed to
it as I find it useful should the sound card fail to be unmuted. I would
though in such a pushed situation say brltty over speakup as probably
more people would use speakup (particularly with espeak) than would own
a Braille display and so use brltty. Also I certainly would not mind
seeing the helper scripts for accessibility go, although I doubt that
would free much space.

An alternative to the last one for freeing space, would it be possible
for there to be a GRML_accessible? May be this option does not sound
great as it might be adding to the work, however here are some of my
thoughts. As certainly in the past GRML has included X, well unless orca
is included and a desktop based on GTK (eg. XFCE or LXDE) then X is
useless to blind users. May be there could be a configuration for
building a LiveCD without X but with accessibility. To save on the work,
this CD would receive little attention from developers (building it
would simply be the main task) and only testing would be from users (IE.
users must report issues for them to be looked at).

Anyone have thoughts on this?

Michael Whapples
Post by Michael Prokop
, everyone on the list. I am writing this to see how blind grml users
are handling current web technologies such as flash and javascript.
A good moment to jump in for me, on behalf of the Grml team: I want
to mention that the upcoming releases of Grml will no longer provide
the accessibility features we used to ship so far.
The reason for dropping accessibility support within Grml is that we
can't keep it up any longer. None of us Grml developers use any of
those features on our own nor do we have people using it in our
When problems with kernel modules, user space software and/or their
integration within Grml show up we have to work in this area. But
we're lacking manpower in the Grml team and the present manpower
is needed in other areas to keep the project up and running.
Troughout the last ~8 years - since the beginnings of Grml - the
feedback and help in this area was pretty limited overall, both by
developers as well as users. The feedback when asking for testing of
accessibility features in release candidates was close to zero.
In the meanwhile Debian itself became better and better with regards
to accessibility, thanks to great efforts by people like Samuel
Thibault and Mario Lang. AFAIK the debian-installer provides espeak
support nowadays, orca seems to be well established, etc.
Since we don't want to get known for half baken solutions we'll be
dropping the accessibility features from Grml starting with the
upcoming stable release.
If you are interested in accessibility support within Debian and its
derivatives we encourage you to check out the Debian-Accessibility
project (see http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-accessibility/ for
further details) and join their efforts.
-mika- - on behalf of the Grml project
Richard Hartmann
2011-11-02 21:59:44 UTC
Post by Michael Whapples
May be if
removing them may be just some sort of beep or sound when the system
finishes booting may help us.
I have normal eyesight, but I would love to have a short beep sequence
once booting has finished. By default, that is.

Michael Whapples
2011-11-02 22:50:34 UTC
The one question is, would it be most useful either using the standard PC speaker or the sound card? I imagine the PC speaker might be better for some but would it make it more complicated on some systems where the PC speaker is channelled through the sound card and so needs the PC speaker line unmuting as well (eg. I think many laptops may do this).

Michael whapples
Post by Richard Hartmann
Post by Michael Whapples
May be if
removing them may be just some sort of beep or sound when the system
finishes booting may help us.
I have normal eyesight, but I would love to have a short beep sequence
once booting has finished. By default, that is.
Jason White
2011-11-02 06:38:28 UTC
I am wishing to change back to GRML which I haven't been able to use
in years. The main reason is that the gui world is going to change
and there have been problems with accessibility. This doesn't, of
course happen with good old command line, of course, and I just wonder
if some of the blind people using grml now can tell me about their
work-aroundds for such problems as flash and javascript.
I don't use GRML as my primary system - I use Debian instead, and just install
Gnome, Orca and Iceweasel (Debian's version of Firefox).

You should be able to install these on a GRML system as well.

Soon, it may also be possible to use Chromium and to install ChromeVox with
the Lois TTS extension (assuming that you want to use speech output).

The above solve the problem of making Javascript-intensive Web sites more
accessible. Of course, it isn't quite so simple, since the Web sites
themselves often have to implement accessibility on their side in order to
interoperate with such client-side tools.

I also avoid Web sites that rely on Flash. This is relatively easy to do. I
can't recall any Flash-based site that I have wanted to use ever, let alone
one that I've had a really compelling reason to use.

Mplayer and its codec support should solve your streaming audio needs. HTML 5,
with its video support, is displacing Flash for video applications, as
demonstrated by what Google now offer on youtube.com.

Apart from running a Web browser, I currently have little reason to run an X
environment, so I work primarily from the shell and from my favourite text
applications, which are well supported by GRML.

I've been using Linux as my only operating system since the late 90s and I
haven't yet been tempted to switch to anything else.

Grml mailing list - Grml at ml.grml.org
join #grml on irc.freenode.org
Michael Prokop
2011-11-02 14:14:56 UTC
, everyone on the list. I am writing this to see how blind grml users
are handling current web technologies such as flash and javascript.

A good moment to jump in for me, on behalf of the Grml team: I want
to mention that the upcoming releases of Grml will no longer provide
the accessibility features we used to ship so far.

Please let me explain:

The reason for dropping accessibility support within Grml is that we
can't keep it up any longer. None of us Grml developers use any of
those features on our own nor do we have people using it in our

When problems with kernel modules, user space software and/or their
integration within Grml show up we have to work in this area. But
we're lacking manpower in the Grml team and the present manpower
is needed in other areas to keep the project up and running.

Troughout the last ~8 years - since the beginnings of Grml - the
feedback and help in this area was pretty limited overall, both by
developers as well as users. The feedback when asking for testing of
accessibility features in release candidates was close to zero.

In the meanwhile Debian itself became better and better with regards
to accessibility, thanks to great efforts by people like Samuel
Thibault and Mario Lang. AFAIK the debian-installer provides espeak
support nowadays, orca seems to be well established, etc.

Since we don't want to get known for half baken solutions we'll be
dropping the accessibility features from Grml starting with the
upcoming stable release.

If you are interested in accessibility support within Debian and its
derivatives we encourage you to check out the Debian-Accessibility
project (see http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-accessibility/ for
further details) and join their efforts.

-mika- - on behalf of the Grml project
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Jason White
2011-11-02 06:38:28 UTC
I am wishing to change back to GRML which I haven't been able to use
in years. The main reason is that the gui world is going to change
and there have been problems with accessibility. This doesn't, of
course happen with good old command line, of course, and I just wonder
if some of the blind people using grml now can tell me about their
work-aroundds for such problems as flash and javascript.
I don't use GRML as my primary system - I use Debian instead, and just install
Gnome, Orca and Iceweasel (Debian's version of Firefox).

You should be able to install these on a GRML system as well.

Soon, it may also be possible to use Chromium and to install ChromeVox with
the Lois TTS extension (assuming that you want to use speech output).

The above solve the problem of making Javascript-intensive Web sites more
accessible. Of course, it isn't quite so simple, since the Web sites
themselves often have to implement accessibility on their side in order to
interoperate with such client-side tools.

I also avoid Web sites that rely on Flash. This is relatively easy to do. I
can't recall any Flash-based site that I have wanted to use ever, let alone
one that I've had a really compelling reason to use.

Mplayer and its codec support should solve your streaming audio needs. HTML 5,
with its video support, is displacing Flash for video applications, as
demonstrated by what Google now offer on youtube.com.

Apart from running a Web browser, I currently have little reason to run an X
environment, so I work primarily from the shell and from my favourite text
applications, which are well supported by GRML.

I've been using Linux as my only operating system since the late 90s and I
haven't yet been tempted to switch to anything else.

Grml mailing list - Grml at ml.grml.org
join #grml on irc.freenode.org
Michael Whapples
2011-11-02 21:09:50 UTC
Firstly my main use of Linux on an installed system is using ArchLinux,
I tend to use GRML only as a LiveCD (eg as a rescue CD).

For an installed system I normally browse the internet in firefox in
gnome. This probably is the best way for getting a browser which will
work with most websites. Also while flash content is inaccessible to
orca (flash content is inaccessible on everything bu windows),
flashplayer in firefox will play videos/audio where it is set to
automatically start playing. I know there have been issues with gnome 3
accessibility, however running from it possibly won't help matters, the
bugs need to be tracked down somehow.

OK, I accept there are times when you possibly want to just get things
done, so that is normally where I turn to the Mac (I am having issues
with speakup working on my computers so the command line isn't a great
option for me in Linux).

For general browsing in the command line I would use lynx, however if
javascript support is needed then links2 or elinks is another option (I
am not sure whether edbrowse supports javascript, I think it might). As
for flash support, I don't think there is any simple, ready set up
solution, however may be some of the follow may help with some flash
needs. The are clients to many popular services where you do not need to
use a web browser. An example would be, there are some scripts for
accessing BBC iplayer content from the command line where it can
download the program onto your system in a more standard format you can
play with something like mplayer (or if using gnome totem), for example
audio from radio programs I think can be saved as m4a files. There is
also a client for youtube. There may be other clients for other
services, but these are the ones I have paid any attention to.

I hope some of this helps you.

Michael Whapples
, everyone on the list. I am writing this to see how blind grml users
are handling current web technologies such as flash and javascript.
I am wishing to change back to GRML which I haven't been able to use
in years. The main reason is that the gui world is going to change
and there have been problems with accessibility. This doesn't, of
course happen with good old command line, of course, and I just wonder
if some of the blind people using grml now can tell me about their
work-aroundds for such problems as flash and javascript.
Is it possible to have mplayer be the viewer for all these streaming
Please let me know if there is something you are doing to handle
current web technologies in command line mode and i will be glad to
hear from you.
Doug Smith
John G. Heim
2011-11-02 21:51:21 UTC
From: "Christian Hofstaedtler" <ch at grml.org>
To: <grml at ml.grml.org>
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
Can you (or someone else interested in this) draft a list of things
we would need to do/ship to actually have working accesibility support
<> (for you)?
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
This includes everything that might be there right now. I myself
have never seen such a setup, so please be explicit.
I'd better ask around before I give you a definative list. I think I know
what to tell you but I'll check it out to make sure. I own a hardware
speech synthesizer so I think for me, just including the speakup kernel
modules would be enough. And that code is now in the mainstream kernel
code. You don't have to do anything but check the boxes for it when you're
configuring a kernel.

On a debian system, to get software speech, you need the speakup modules and
you need to install two packages, espeak and espeakup. To get braille, you
need the brltty package.
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
accessibility, I assume it's not really useful to actually have the
software on the ISO at all; so not having QA here is not really an
I will do that. All I'll need is to be notified when I need to test. I'm
guessing that it wouldn't be a problem if it took me a few days to get to
it. I mean, sometimes I take vacation. But most of the time, if I was
notified that I had to test a new version, I would get to it within 24
hours. And I'll be a good tester. I can use my employers resources to test
so you'll never hear from me something like I couldn't get to it because my
network connection was down. And I have a hardware speech synthesizer and a
braille display. So I could test the full range of accessibility features.
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
If somebody steps up to do the work and/or the list, we might reconsider.
Well, you've already got somebody. I'm not the most knowledgable grml user
in the world. I've used only the live CD as a rescue disk. But I have plenty
of hardware that I can install grml on. I don't know if I'll need a machine
with grml installed to the disk but I can set that up tonight. And I'll
start asking around to make sure I know what to tell you to include.
Michael Whapples
2011-11-03 00:00:12 UTC
John, I would agree with the list of what would be needed (personal
view). The only additional one I can imagine some might ask for might be
emacspeak, however possibly should that be included on a live CD, I
would probably go with not really as speakup can work (may be not as
well) with emacs or vim, so its not like you are lacking access to a
decent editor. Anyway, should emacspeak be desired then it could be
downloaded, or may be its something for a custom GRML CD.

Also, I don't know that I could commit to testing every release (as I
mentioned speakup in ArchLinux is not working on my computers and I
think its a speakup issue not a issue with the packaging) but may be let
us know here on this list as well when you want testing of accessibility
and I will do what I can.

Michael Whapples
From: "Christian Hofstaedtler" <ch at grml.org>
To: <grml at ml.grml.org>
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
Can you (or someone else interested in this) draft a list of things
we would need to do/ship to actually have working accesibility support
<> (for you)?
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
This includes everything that might be there right now. I myself
have never seen such a setup, so please be explicit.
I'd better ask around before I give you a definative list. I think I
know what to tell you but I'll check it out to make sure. I own a
hardware speech synthesizer so I think for me, just including the
speakup kernel modules would be enough. And that code is now in the
mainstream kernel code. You don't have to do anything but check the
boxes for it when you're configuring a kernel.
On a debian system, to get software speech, you need the speakup
modules and you need to install two packages, espeak and espeakup. To
get braille, you need the brltty package.
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
accessibility, I assume it's not really useful to actually have the
software on the ISO at all; so not having QA here is not really an
I will do that. All I'll need is to be notified when I need to test.
I'm guessing that it wouldn't be a problem if it took me a few days to
get to it. I mean, sometimes I take vacation. But most of the time,
if I was notified that I had to test a new version, I would get to it
within 24 hours. And I'll be a good tester. I can use my employers
resources to test so you'll never hear from me something like I
couldn't get to it because my network connection was down. And I have
a hardware speech synthesizer and a braille display. So I could test
the full range of accessibility features.
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
If somebody steps up to do the work and/or the list, we might
Well, you've already got somebody. I'm not the most knowledgable grml
user in the world. I've used only the live CD as a rescue disk. But I
have plenty of hardware that I can install grml on. I don't know if
I'll need a machine with grml installed to the disk but I can set that
up tonight. And I'll start asking around to make sure I know what to
tell you to include.
John G. Heim
2011-11-03 14:42:47 UTC
I rank the accessibility nees like this:

1. Speakup kernel modules
2. Braille support (brltty)
3. Software speech (espeak and espeakup)
4. Beet when boot is finished

The reason i rank braille ahead of software speech is for deaf/blind systems
administrators. If you're blind, you can get a hardware synth but if ther is
no braille support, systems admins who are both deaf and blind are out of

I hope people don't think I'm exaggerating when I talk about people losing
their jobs due to accessibility problems. Being a blind systems
administrator is a constant struggle with accessibility problems. How do I
install Windows 7? Is the new VMWare interface accessible? How do I rescue a
crashed machine? I'm not saying someone would get fired right on the spot if
their grml CD doesn't speak. But what happens is that tasks like installing
Win7 and rescuing crashed systems get assigned to other people. When
layoffs come around, the blind systems administrator is the one to go
because he is the least important member of the team.

I know grml can't be all things to all people. But I would hope the grml
developers would be at least hesitant to add another brick to the wall of
accessibility problems disabled systems administrators struggle to climb
over every day.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Whapples" <mwhapples at aim.com>
To: <grml at mur.at>
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Grml] How are blind grml users handling
John, I would agree with the list of what would be needed (personal view).
The only additional one I can imagine some might ask for might be
emacspeak, however possibly should that be included on a live CD, I would
probably go with not really as speakup can work (may be not as well) with
emacs or vim, so its not like you are lacking access to a decent editor.
Anyway, should emacspeak be desired then it could be downloaded, or may be
its something for a custom GRML CD.
Also, I don't know that I could commit to testing every release (as I
mentioned speakup in ArchLinux is not working on my computers and I think
its a speakup issue not a issue with the packaging) but may be let us know
here on this list as well when you want testing of accessibility and I
will do what I can.
Michael Whapples
From: "Christian Hofstaedtler" <ch at grml.org>
To: <grml at ml.grml.org>
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
Can you (or someone else interested in this) draft a list of things
we would need to do/ship to actually have working accesibility support
<> (for you)?
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
This includes everything that might be there right now. I myself
have never seen such a setup, so please be explicit.
I'd better ask around before I give you a definative list. I think I know
what to tell you but I'll check it out to make sure. I own a hardware
speech synthesizer so I think for me, just including the speakup kernel
modules would be enough. And that code is now in the mainstream kernel
code. You don't have to do anything but check the boxes for it when
you're configuring a kernel.
On a debian system, to get software speech, you need the speakup modules
and you need to install two packages, espeak and espeakup. To get
braille, you need the brltty package.
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
accessibility, I assume it's not really useful to actually have the
software on the ISO at all; so not having QA here is not really an
I will do that. All I'll need is to be notified when I need to test.
I'm guessing that it wouldn't be a problem if it took me a few days to
get to it. I mean, sometimes I take vacation. But most of the time, if I
was notified that I had to test a new version, I would get to it within
24 hours. And I'll be a good tester. I can use my employers resources to
test so you'll never hear from me something like I couldn't get to it
because my network connection was down. And I have a hardware speech
synthesizer and a braille display. So I could test the full range of
accessibility features.
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
If somebody steps up to do the work and/or the list, we might
Well, you've already got somebody. I'm not the most knowledgable grml
user in the world. I've used only the live CD as a rescue disk. But I
have plenty of hardware that I can install grml on. I don't know if I'll
need a machine with grml installed to the disk but I can set that up
tonight. And I'll start asking around to make sure I know what to tell
you to include.
Grml mailing list - Grml at ml.grml.org
join #grml on irc.freenode.org
Michael Whapples
2011-11-03 15:17:21 UTC
I possibly would rank software speech above Braille, its probably useful to more people. Don't know so much for desktop and server systems, but certainly on laptops serial ports are disappearing (if not fully disappeared) so there are cases where hardware speech output is not an option even if you have the hardware synth.

I think this is just a difference of view, you seem to be taking the route of what groups are enabled rather than how many individuals might use it.

I possibly would agree with you more if speakup could work with USB to serial convertors or with USB synths. Alternatively are there other screen readers which may work with USB to serial convertors or USB synths (eg. as YASR is user space would that work with USB convertors, although YASR I think is no longer developed).

Michael whapples
Post by John G. Heim
1. Speakup kernel modules
2. Braille support (brltty)
3. Software speech (espeak and espeakup)
4. Beet when boot is finished
The reason i rank braille ahead of software speech is for deaf/blind systems administrators. If you're blind, you can get a hardware synth but if ther is no braille support, systems admins who are both deaf and blind are out of luck.
I hope people don't think I'm exaggerating when I talk about people losing their jobs due to accessibility problems. Being a blind systems administrator is a constant struggle with accessibility problems. How do I install Windows 7? Is the new VMWare interface accessible? How do I rescue a crashed machine? I'm not saying someone would get fired right on the spot if their grml CD doesn't speak. But what happens is that tasks like installing Win7 and rescuing crashed systems get assigned to other people. When layoffs come around, the blind systems administrator is the one to go because he is the least important member of the team.
I know grml can't be all things to all people. But I would hope the grml developers would be at least hesitant to add another brick to the wall of accessibility problems disabled systems administrators struggle to climb over every day.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Whapples" <mwhapples at aim.com>
To: <grml at mur.at>
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Grml] How are blind grml users handling currentwebtechnologies?
John, I would agree with the list of what would be needed (personal view). The only additional one I can imagine some might ask for might be emacspeak, however possibly should that be included on a live CD, I would probably go with not really as speakup can work (may be not as well) with emacs or vim, so its not like you are lacking access to a decent editor. Anyway, should emacspeak be desired then it could be downloaded, or may be its something for a custom GRML CD.
Also, I don't know that I could commit to testing every release (as I mentioned speakup in ArchLinux is not working on my computers and I think its a speakup issue not a issue with the packaging) but may be let us know here on this list as well when you want testing of accessibility and I will do what I can.
Michael Whapples
From: "Christian Hofstaedtler" <ch at grml.org>
To: <grml at ml.grml.org>
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
Can you (or someone else interested in this) draft a list of things
we would need to do/ship to actually have working accesibility support
<> (for you)?
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
This includes everything that might be there right now. I myself
have never seen such a setup, so please be explicit.
I'd better ask around before I give you a definative list. I think I know what to tell you but I'll check it out to make sure. I own a hardware speech synthesizer so I think for me, just including the speakup kernel modules would be enough. And that code is now in the mainstream kernel code. You don't have to do anything but check the boxes for it when you're configuring a kernel.
On a debian system, to get software speech, you need the speakup modules and you need to install two packages, espeak and espeakup. To get braille, you need the brltty package.
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
accessibility, I assume it's not really useful to actually have the software on the ISO at all; so not having QA here is not really an
I will do that. All I'll need is to be notified when I need to test. I'm guessing that it wouldn't be a problem if it took me a few days to get to it. I mean, sometimes I take vacation. But most of the time, if I was notified that I had to test a new version, I would get to it within 24 hours. And I'll be a good tester. I can use my employers resources to test so you'll never hear from me something like I couldn't get to it because my network connection was down. And I have a hardware speech synthesizer and a braille display. So I could test the full range of accessibility features.
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
If somebody steps up to do the work and/or the list, we might reconsider.
Well, you've already got somebody. I'm not the most knowledgable grml user in the world. I've used only the live CD as a rescue disk. But I have plenty of hardware that I can install grml on. I don't know if I'll need a machine with grml installed to the disk but I can set that up tonight. And I'll start asking around to make sure I know what to tell you to include.
Grml mailing list - Grml at ml.grml.org
join #grml on irc.freenode.org
John G. Heim
2011-11-03 15:26:03 UTC
Right. But this is a key point... More people get colds every year than get
cancer. But if you could cure cancer or the common cold, which would you
choose? I'd choose to cure cancer. Its not just a matter of how many
people need something. You also have to take into account how important the
needs are.

I have yet to see a server class machine, either rack mounted or stand
alone, that doesn't have a serial port. Your laptop probably doesn't have a
serial port. But you're not going to lose your job if you can't rescue your

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Whapples" <mwhapples at aim.com>
To: "John G. Heim" <jheim at math.wisc.edu>
Cc: <grml at mur.at>
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Grml] How are blind grml users handling

I possibly would rank software speech above Braille, its probably useful to
more people. Don't know so much for desktop and server systems, but
certainly on laptops serial ports are disappearing (if not fully
disappeared) so there are cases where hardware speech output is not an
option even if you have the hardware synth.

I think this is just a difference of view, you seem to be taking the route
of what groups are enabled rather than how many individuals might use it.

I possibly would agree with you more if speakup could work with USB to
serial convertors or with USB synths. Alternatively are there other screen
readers which may work with USB to serial convertors or USB synths (eg. as
YASR is user space would that work with USB convertors, although YASR I
think is no longer developed).

Michael whapples
Post by John G. Heim
1. Speakup kernel modules
2. Braille support (brltty)
3. Software speech (espeak and espeakup)
4. Beet when boot is finished
The reason i rank braille ahead of software speech is for deaf/blind
systems administrators. If you're blind, you can get a hardware synth but
if ther is no braille support, systems admins who are both deaf and blind
are out of luck.
I hope people don't think I'm exaggerating when I talk about people losing
their jobs due to accessibility problems. Being a blind systems
administrator is a constant struggle with accessibility problems. How do I
install Windows 7? Is the new VMWare interface accessible? How do I rescue
a crashed machine? I'm not saying someone would get fired right on the
spot if their grml CD doesn't speak. But what happens is that tasks like
installing Win7 and rescuing crashed systems get assigned to other
people. When layoffs come around, the blind systems administrator is the
one to go because he is the least important member of the team.
I know grml can't be all things to all people. But I would hope the grml
developers would be at least hesitant to add another brick to the wall of
accessibility problems disabled systems administrators struggle to climb
over every day.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Whapples" <mwhapples at aim.com>
To: <grml at mur.at>
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Grml] How are blind grml users handling
Post by Michael Whapples
John, I would agree with the list of what would be needed (personal
view). The only additional one I can imagine some might ask for might be
emacspeak, however possibly should that be included on a live CD, I would
probably go with not really as speakup can work (may be not as well) with
emacs or vim, so its not like you are lacking access to a decent editor.
Anyway, should emacspeak be desired then it could be downloaded, or may
be its something for a custom GRML CD.
Also, I don't know that I could commit to testing every release (as I
mentioned speakup in ArchLinux is not working on my computers and I think
its a speakup issue not a issue with the packaging) but may be let us
know here on this list as well when you want testing of accessibility and
I will do what I can.
Michael Whapples
From: "Christian Hofstaedtler" <ch at grml.org>
To: <grml at ml.grml.org>
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
Can you (or someone else interested in this) draft a list of things
we would need to do/ship to actually have working accesibility support
<> (for you)?
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
This includes everything that might be there right now. I myself
have never seen such a setup, so please be explicit.
I'd better ask around before I give you a definative list. I think I
know what to tell you but I'll check it out to make sure. I own a
hardware speech synthesizer so I think for me, just including the
speakup kernel modules would be enough. And that code is now in the
mainstream kernel code. You don't have to do anything but check the
boxes for it when you're configuring a kernel.
On a debian system, to get software speech, you need the speakup modules
and you need to install two packages, espeak and espeakup. To get
braille, you need the brltty package.
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
accessibility, I assume it's not really useful to actually have the
software on the ISO at all; so not having QA here is not really an
I will do that. All I'll need is to be notified when I need to test.
I'm guessing that it wouldn't be a problem if it took me a few days to
get to it. I mean, sometimes I take vacation. But most of the time, if
I was notified that I had to test a new version, I would get to it
within 24 hours. And I'll be a good tester. I can use my employers
resources to test so you'll never hear from me something like I couldn't
get to it because my network connection was down. And I have a hardware
speech synthesizer and a braille display. So I could test the full range
of accessibility features.
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
If somebody steps up to do the work and/or the list, we might reconsider.
Well, you've already got somebody. I'm not the most knowledgable grml
user in the world. I've used only the live CD as a rescue disk. But I
have plenty of hardware that I can install grml on. I don't know if I'll
need a machine with grml installed to the disk but I can set that up
tonight. And I'll start asking around to make sure I know what to tell
you to include.
Grml mailing list - Grml at ml.grml.org
join #grml on irc.freenode.org
Michael Whapples
2011-11-03 22:51:15 UTC
May be what you describe explains the difference of view. I am coming at
it from a home/enthusiast view, so laptops would be more common and you
may not have someone sighted nearby at the time to help out.

I figure that may be in a business situation you may have another
computer (even your own laptop) which you could use SSH to access a Live
environment like GRML and so may be not so reliant on what is included
for accessibility.

With LiveCDs one needs to draw a line somewhere due to the capacity
restrictions and so sometimes things need to be left out. Also in a
business/work situation, if something was so important to that
individual then surely they would be prepared to remaster GRML with what
they need and may be remove things of little use (eg. X).

Should a liveCD include the most important features for the most people?

I think all that is coming out, some find software speech more important
and others find Braille more important, therefore both are quite
important really both should be there. Out of interest, what are the
capacity hits for each of these? Remember with brltty there may be a
number of packages not really needed for it such as python bindings,
drivers for X terminals, etc.

Michael Wahpples
Post by John G. Heim
Right. But this is a key point... More people get colds every year
than get cancer. But if you could cure cancer or the common cold,
which would you choose? I'd choose to cure cancer. Its not just a
matter of how many people need something. You also have to take into
account how important the needs are.
I have yet to see a server class machine, either rack mounted or stand
alone, that doesn't have a serial port. Your laptop probably doesn't
have a serial port. But you're not going to lose your job if you can't
rescue your laptop.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Whapples" <mwhapples at aim.com>
To: "John G. Heim" <jheim at math.wisc.edu>
Cc: <grml at mur.at>
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Grml] How are blind grml users handling
I possibly would rank software speech above Braille, its probably
useful to more people. Don't know so much for desktop and server
systems, but certainly on laptops serial ports are disappearing (if
not fully disappeared) so there are cases where hardware speech output
is not an option even if you have the hardware synth.
I think this is just a difference of view, you seem to be taking the
route of what groups are enabled rather than how many individuals
might use it.
I possibly would agree with you more if speakup could work with USB to
serial convertors or with USB synths. Alternatively are there other
screen readers which may work with USB to serial convertors or USB
synths (eg. as YASR is user space would that work with USB convertors,
although YASR I think is no longer developed).
Michael whapples
Post by John G. Heim
1. Speakup kernel modules
2. Braille support (brltty)
3. Software speech (espeak and espeakup)
4. Beet when boot is finished
The reason i rank braille ahead of software speech is for deaf/blind
systems administrators. If you're blind, you can get a hardware synth
but if ther is no braille support, systems admins who are both deaf
and blind are out of luck.
I hope people don't think I'm exaggerating when I talk about people
losing their jobs due to accessibility problems. Being a blind
systems administrator is a constant struggle with accessibility
problems. How do I install Windows 7? Is the new VMWare interface
accessible? How do I rescue a crashed machine? I'm not saying someone
would get fired right on the spot if their grml CD doesn't speak. But
what happens is that tasks like installing Win7 and rescuing crashed
systems get assigned to other people. When layoffs come around, the
blind systems administrator is the one to go because he is the least
important member of the team.
I know grml can't be all things to all people. But I would hope the
grml developers would be at least hesitant to add another brick to
the wall of accessibility problems disabled systems administrators
struggle to climb over every day.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Whapples"
<mwhapples at aim.com>
To: <grml at mur.at>
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Grml] How are blind grml users handling
Post by Michael Whapples
John, I would agree with the list of what would be needed (personal
view). The only additional one I can imagine some might ask for
might be emacspeak, however possibly should that be included on a
live CD, I would probably go with not really as speakup can work
(may be not as well) with emacs or vim, so its not like you are
lacking access to a decent editor. Anyway, should emacspeak be
desired then it could be downloaded, or may be its something for a
custom GRML CD.
Also, I don't know that I could commit to testing every release (as
I mentioned speakup in ArchLinux is not working on my computers and
I think its a speakup issue not a issue with the packaging) but may
be let us know here on this list as well when you want testing of
accessibility and I will do what I can.
Michael Whapples
From: "Christian Hofstaedtler" <ch at grml.org>
To: <grml at ml.grml.org>
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
Can you (or someone else interested in this) draft a list of things
we would need to do/ship to actually have working accesibility support
<> (for you)?
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
This includes everything that might be there right now. I myself
have never seen such a setup, so please be explicit.
I'd better ask around before I give you a definative list. I think
I know what to tell you but I'll check it out to make sure. I own
a hardware speech synthesizer so I think for me, just including the
speakup kernel modules would be enough. And that code is now in
the mainstream kernel code. You don't have to do anything but check
the boxes for it when you're configuring a kernel.
On a debian system, to get software speech, you need the speakup
modules and you need to install two packages, espeak and espeakup.
To get braille, you need the brltty package.
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
accessibility, I assume it's not really useful to actually have
the software on the ISO at all; so not having QA here is not
really an
I will do that. All I'll need is to be notified when I need to
test. I'm guessing that it wouldn't be a problem if it took me a
few days to get to it. I mean, sometimes I take vacation. But most
of the time, if I was notified that I had to test a new version, I
would get to it within 24 hours. And I'll be a good tester. I can
use my employers resources to test so you'll never hear from me
something like I couldn't get to it because my network connection
was down. And I have a hardware speech synthesizer and a braille
display. So I could test the full range of accessibility features.
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
If somebody steps up to do the work and/or the list, we might reconsider.
Well, you've already got somebody. I'm not the most knowledgable
grml user in the world. I've used only the live CD as a rescue
disk. But I have plenty of hardware that I can install grml on. I
don't know if I'll need a machine with grml installed to the disk
but I can set that up tonight. And I'll start asking around to make
sure I know what to tell you to include.
Grml mailing list - Grml at ml.grml.org
join #grml on irc.freenode.org
Christian Hofstaedtler
2011-11-03 15:43:27 UTC
Post by John G. Heim
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
Can you (or someone else interested in this) draft a list of things
we would need to do/ship to actually have working accesibility support
<> (for you)?
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
This includes everything that might be there right now. I myself
have never seen such a setup, so please be explicit.
I'd better ask around before I give you a definative list. I think I
know what to tell you but I'll check it out to make sure. I own a
hardware speech synthesizer so I think for me, just including the
speakup kernel modules would be enough. And that code is now in the
mainstream kernel code. You don't have to do anything but check the
boxes for it when you're configuring a kernel.
On a debian system, to get software speech, you need the speakup
modules and you need to install two packages, espeak and espeakup.
To get braille, you need the brltty package.
There's now a testbuild of GRML_MEDIUM (64-bits) with espeakup, espeak
and brltty at this URL:

Please test it; let us know if it works, if it doesn't, if it's
missing something, etc.

Note that this build has some ALSA/Sound support, which is something
that might get removed, too. Don't know if this would have any
impact on you.

Grml Live Linux
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