[Grml] Announcement: Grml flavour & package list changes
Christian Hofstaedtler
2011-11-15 15:50:36 UTC
[cc:ed grml@ mailing list for further exposure]

Hi everybody,

starting now, we will ship a different set of Grml flavours
and package sets in future releases.
(For more background please see the October 2011 meeting minutes.)

Our goal is to have one ~300MB ISO flavour which will ship with all the
commonly used tools for rescue & deployment tasks. This flavour
replaces the old full, medium and small ISOs.

Have a look at the (current) package list in detail:
Note that as we go along changes to this list will happen.
If you're missing a tool you're using day to day in rescue &
deployment scenarios, please suggest it!

The daily ISOs (starting 20111115) from http://daily.grml.org/
already use the new package list, so give these a try.
(sid builds fail at the moment, please use wheezy instead.)

Feedback is welcome on the mailing lists, as well on IRC (#grml on


PS: As you can see in the package list, the bare tools for
accessibility will be included, but that's about it. We can't make
any guarantees for working accessibility.
Grml Live Linux
IRC: #grml on FreeNode
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Axel Beckert
2011-11-15 16:06:17 UTC
Post by Christian Hofstaedtler
starting now, we will ship a different set of Grml flavours
and package sets in future releases.
(For more background please see the October 2011 meeting minutes.)

Kind regards, Axel
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