[Grml] Boot options
Philippe Delavalade
2011-11-30 17:33:27 UTC
HI all.

I'm new on this list and new to GRML.

Being blind and french, I have to enter the following when booting on
the CD :

grml blind brltty=pm,usb:,fr at FR lang=fr-iso

It is difficult because I don't know exactly when it is boot prompt and I
have to do this with a qwerty keyboard instaid of my usual azerty. Mistakes
are frequent :-(

So, I would like to know if it's possible to avoid the step of boot
options. I guess it's possible to remaster the iso but maybe there is
something more simple and handy.

If it's the only way to remaster, where can I find informations to do
this?? Long time ago, I did that with the linuxfromscratch livecd but every
step was explained...

Thanks for help or advice.
Ph. Delavalade
markus "bionix(-it)"
2011-11-30 21:48:18 UTC
Post by Philippe Delavalade
HI all.
I'm new on this list and new to GRML.
welcome to the grml mailing list.
Post by Philippe Delavalade
Being blind and french, I have to enter the following when booting on
grml blind brltty=pm,usb:,fr at FR lang=fr-iso
It is difficult because I don't know exactly when it is boot prompt and I
have to do this with a qwerty keyboard instaid of my usual azerty. Mistakes
are frequent :-(
So, I would like to know if it's possible to avoid the step of boot
options. I guess it's possible to remaster the iso but maybe there is
something more simple and handy.
I don't know another simple way, but with the grml-live tool you can
easy customize your grml iso.
Post by Philippe Delavalade
If it's the only way to remaster, where can I find informations to do
this ? Long time ago, I did that with the linuxfromscratch livecd but every
step was explained...
Please take a look at http://grml.org/grml-live/.
Post by Philippe Delavalade
Thanks for help or advice.
Kind regards, Markus
Christian Hofstaedtler
2011-12-01 08:22:40 UTC
Post by Philippe Delavalade
So, I would like to know if it's possible to avoid the step of boot
options. I guess it's possible to remaster the iso but maybe there is
something more simple and handy.
grml2iso, which is shipped together with grml2usb as a Debian
package, can rebuild the ISO you have and add custom boot options.

I think the invocation will be something like this:

grml2iso -o grml_custom.iso -b "blind brltty=pm,usb:,fr at FR lang=fr-iso" grml_2011.05.iso

christian hofstaedtler
Philippe Delavalade
2011-12-01 09:57:39 UTC
Hi Christian and Markus.

Many thanks for your help.

I had a look to grml-live ; it seems too complicate and too hard for me
now?:-) But I'll try later to obtain a grml_small with brltty on it.

My host system is debian/wheezy ; I installed grml2usb and I'll try soon

Sorry for my first answer just for Christian ; I didn't look at the adress.

Many thansks.
Ph. Delavalade
Michael Prokop
2011-12-01 11:04:03 UTC
Post by Philippe Delavalade
I had a look to grml-live ; it seems too complicate and too hard for me
now?:-) But I'll try later to obtain a grml_small with brltty on it.
FTR: grml-small does NOT include brltty.

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Philippe Delavalade
2011-12-01 14:28:01 UTC
Post by Michael Prokop
Post by Philippe Delavalade
I had a look to grml-live ; it seems too complicate and too hard for me
now?:-) But I'll try later to obtain a grml_small with brltty on it.
FTR: grml-small does NOT include brltty.
Yes I know :-) I first tried with small and found that there was no
brltty in it. But, if I have well understood the explanations, it's
possible with grml-live to add packages. Am I wrong ?

Ph. Delavalade
Christian Hofstaedtler
2011-12-01 17:13:23 UTC
Post by Philippe Delavalade
Post by Michael Prokop
Post by Philippe Delavalade
I had a look to grml-live ; it seems too complicate and too hard for me
now?:-) But I'll try later to obtain a grml_small with brltty on it.
FTR: grml-small does NOT include brltty.
Yes I know :-) I first tried with small and found that there was no
brltty in it. But, if I have well understood the explanations, it's
possible with grml-live to add packages. Am I wrong ?
It's possible, but note this:
* grml-small does not have aptitude installed, so remastering fails
unless you fix that.
* Also, remastering 2011.05 with the current version of grml-live is
quite hard.

christian h